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Case Results

Case results include not guilty criminal verdicts, dismissals, and favorable sentences.

2018 Representative Case Results

  • Collin county man indicted for possession of 1-4 grams of methamphetamine. Jury found client not guilty.
  • Collin county man indicted for less than 1 gram of methamphetamine. Challenged the lawfulness of the search with a hearing on a motion to suppress.  Judge agreed that the search was unlawful.  Motion to Suppress granted.  Prosecution dismissed the charge.
  • Out of state medical school applicant charged in Dallas County with two offenses of Assault Family Violence for first offenses. Set for Jury trial. Days before the trial, the State dismissed both charges.
  • 21 year-old hispanic female indicted in the Eastern District of Texas federal court as an accessory after the fact to multiple home invasion burglaries.  Federal sentencing guidelines range of 7.5 years.  Client received a below-guidelines sentence of probation.
  • Local professional charged with Assault Family Violence for a first offense of spouse victim. Set for Jury trial. Days before the trial, the State dismissed the charge.
  • Dallas county man indicted in the Northern District of Texas federal court for felon in possession of a firearm.  Client received a below guidelines sentence of 28 months.

2017 Representative Case Results

  • Dallas county man indicted for three offenses of Failure to Register as a Sex Offender. After three years, client was found Not Guilty on all three cases.
  • Plano woman charged for Federal Program Theft for embezzling more than $140,000 from Plano ISD during her employment. At sentencing hearing, the federal judge reduced client’s total loss and restitution to $90,000.
  • Dallas county man indicted for Aggravated Robbery. Co-defendants also indicted for murder and sentenced to life in prison. State reduced felony and client sentenced to two years deferred probation.
  • Dallas county woman indicted for Theft of embezzling money from her employer. State argued for restitution of over $18,000. At sentencing hearing, judge reduced client’s restitution to only $1,000.
  • Dallas county man indicted for three offenses relating to Manufacturing and Delivery of Heroin and possession of cocaine. Sentenced to five years deferred probation.
  • Collin county man indicted for Aggravated Robbery home invasion that resulted in shooting death of accomplice. State offered 40 years in prison. State dismissed related charges of bail jumping and possession of marijuana after the jury assessed 27 years.
  • Dallas county man indicted for Aggravated Robbery for hitting complainant with brass knuckles and stealing cash and a firearm during a drug deal. Set for jury trial. State reduced to time-served on misdemeanor assault before trial.
  • Dallas county man indicted for three offenses relating to Manufacturing and Delivery of Heroin, first-degree felony. Sentenced to five years deferred probation.

2016 Representative Case Results

  • Denton county man charged with deadly conduct. Jury verdict of Not Guilty.
  • Irving woman indicted for federal Conspiracy to Commit Bank Fraud defrauding J.P. Morgan Chanse in scheme involving forged checks on bank accounts with insufficient funds. Federal judge assessed below-guidelines sentence for three months time-served pursuant to binding plea agreement.
  • Plano man indicted for federal Possession of Child Pornography, over 600 images. Federal judge assessed below-guidelines sentence pursuant to binding plea agreement.
  • Trophy Club man investigated for allegation of Indecency with a Child. Denton County Grand jury returned a No-Bill of Indictment. Case not indicted.
  • Collin county man indicted for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon for threatening teenage boy visiting client’s daughter. Sentenced to five years deferred probation.

2015 Representative Case Results

  • Dallas man indicted for Organized Retail Theft, felony, for selling allegedly stolen goods at a convenience store where he was employed. Jury trial. Not guilty.
  • Local first-responder charged with Assault Family Violence. Jury trial. Not guilty.
  • Dallas county business executive charged with Driving While Intoxicated. Hung jury. State dismissed, recharged as Obstruction of Passageway and later dismissed.
  • Richardson man indicted for federal Bulk Cash Smuggling for hiding more than $10,000 cash back to United States after overseas trip. Federal judge assessed below-guidelines sentence of probation pursuant to binding plea agreement. Sentenced to one-year probation.
Nicole Knox

Meet Nicole Knox

Nicole Knox has quickly become one of the best criminal defense lawyers.  She has defended the accused in nearly 100 jury trial verdicts, and she has earned over 60 “not guilty” verdicts.  Her dedication to developing a strong defense and to zealous advocacy have also resulted in a long list of dismissals, favorable sentences, and refusals to prosecute.

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    Case Results

    Case results include not guilty criminal verdicts, dismissals, and favorable sentences. 2018 Representative Case Results Collin county man indicted for possession of 1-4 grams of…

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