News 8 Daybreak Interviews Criminal Defense Attorney Nicole Knox About Developments in the Ethan Couch Case
Law 360 Story on Texas AG Ken Paxton Includes Comments from White-Collar Criminal Defense Attorney Nicole Knox
Dallas defense attorney Nicole Knox of Law Office of Nicole Knox said if Paxton decides it’s in his best interest to file a stay in the civil suit, he’ll likely do so as soon as possible, before making any answer in the civil case that could then be used as evidence in the criminal proceeding. “It was really smart of the SEC to do this,” Knox said. “This is a way to put pressure on the defense to move forward.”
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Nicole Knox and Other "Women Warriors" featured in TCDLA's Voice for the Defense

Women Warriors. Nicole Knox, presenter, “Upholding Justice One Client at a Time” Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association. CDLP Chair Jani Maselli Wood has this year emphasized bringing seminars to some of the under-served communities around the state. In January, she and co- course director Shane Phelps presented the Upholding Justice One Client at a Time seminar in College Station, featuring some formidable women warriors presenting for TCDLA—including (from left) Michelle Tuegel, Nicole DeBorde Hochglaube, Jani, Nicole Knox, and Jordan Pollock (not shown).